Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Gift of Goodbye
It's been a while since I have blogged so I thought it about time I have a good message I picked up from Joel (Good Ol Joel) about "the gift of goodbye"You're destiny is not tied to the people who walk away."Let Them Go"That they walked away was not an accident... Don't ride a dead horse. If the horse is dead-dismount and get on the living breathing one who will take you new places.Don't talk people into staying who are meant to go. They may stay for a while but you are only putting off theinevitable.Rejoice the gift of goodbye.The sooner they go the better off you will both be. When you're meant to be in someone's life, God puts you there. When God joins people to you, you don't have to bend over backwards toplease them. You don't need them to fulfill your destiny. You can't live your life trying to make someone want to be with you.1st John 2:19They went out from us becuase they were not part of us.When someone is WITH you they are there as long as you do all the right things, as long as you keep them happy. As long as you don't make mistakes but when they are there FOR you they give you room to make mistakes. They accept you for who you are. They give more to the relationship than they take. They see the best in you.When it is time to part, let them go with love and appreciate what they brought to your life.Don't fight the change. If you don't let the wrong people go you won't have room for the right ones.Some people keep you in limitation to keep you in their life-they put you down or tell you that you can't do things without them. A true friend will not only help you get to where you are going but love you enough to let you do it on your own.Let your friends help you when you need it.But don't use tem as a crutch; a crutch is temporary and only to help you till you can stand on your own. It is no way to live.Don't let people talk to you through your fears-keeping you from your destiny.Anytime you hear the phrase "God told me to tell you..." RUN! that sould be a warning. If God wanted to tell you something... he would tell you himself.It's not important how many people you have in your life... it's WHO you have that matters.Don't be afraid to let the wrong people go.You and God are a majority.When you put a demad on your Faith... that pleases God.God doesn't give you 1/2 the talent you need to accomplish what he has put in your heart Some people are WITH you but not FOR you.Tap into the gifts and talents the Lord has put in you. Amen.have a great day!xxoo