Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thinking Your Way Out of Bondage
How you act and what you think while you are "in the wilderness" will determine how long you will stay there...
We have to move past the things keeping you in bondage. We all have dissappointments, we all have people who let us down and times when things don't go our way or things come against us. How we deal with them determines our path. Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart-so is he.
There will be tough times in your life! But God will be there with you-your worst day with God will always be better than your best day without him.
Too many defeat themselves just by thinking bad thoughts. Choose your thoughts carefully! Your mind is a battlefield. Don't believe the enemy when he tells you that you can't. The devil can't have your joy without you giving it. Stop being uphappy about someone else's bad choices.
You cannot get "over there" without going THROUGH... If God brings you to it He will bring you through it.
Your past does not dictate your future. That is a lie the devil tells you. Don't even let the Devil steal from you. An attitude change can change your circumstances. Let it go to God and release it. Use it as a seed for God to bring a harvest in your life.The more bitter you get, the more angry you get the more you shrink inside. Everywhere you are wronged God will make it right if you believe in him. Isaiah 61:7 & 8 For the shame of your youth I will give you a double blessing.
God is not happy when someone robs you-but first you must sow your pain as a seed. Forgive those that come agianst you so that God can vindicate where you've been wronged.
Blessing's to you.